Request For Proposals To Refurbish Mailbox Clusters
KSECA is accepting bids to complete the following to refurbish our mailbox clusters:
- Return the existing 14 clusters to a near new looking condition with commercial grade enamel paint to color-match (Florence Postal Grey) the new clusters on order.
- Replace the faded box and parcel locker box numbers with new decals (3/4” white lettering on black background) to match the engraving size and color on the 88 new mail boxes on order.
- Replace existing 21 parcel locker key holders with new ones that include instructions on how to use and where to return if found. Also continue the numbering sequence and provide the same for the 16 new parcel lockers on order.
- Complete what the postal carrier started a few years ago but never finished; create 229 – 1⁄2” labels for each box edge that faces the USPS inside with the box # followed by the address, i.e. 4651 12-125 E Moanauli Loop. Also as the new 88 boxes are assigned create a similar label for USPS to instill when the box is opened.
- Provide a 5-year warranty on the paint work and labels.
- Further details are available from the board (
- All bids must be received by email by May 28, 2019.
- All work must be completed on Sundays only to not interfere with mail delivery and project must be concluded in a short time frame to coincide with construction of the new mailbox center.