Moving Our Community Forward
Dear Member, Wishing all of you fellow landowners a warm welcome from KSECA, our organization that wants the best for our community. As most of you are aware of over the last two years the Seaview community has had new Boards that have been tasked with solving many issues within the community and organization. This area of the Big Island, particularly Seaview which we all love, has been growing in population every year for many years. We have seen some wonderful new neighbors along with new challenges. Along with this we have seen our land values rise over the last 10 years.
We are reaching out to you because we need your help in moving our community forward in a positive way. We had to increase our annual dues last year to $100 due to so many known and unknown financial challenges. Some of the most obvious is keeping our parks insured and maintained so they are safe places to be. Due to financial challenges last year we had to make the hard choices of not continuing with fire ant treatment and proper coconut tree maintenance, just to name a couple. Fortunately since we increased the dues we have been able to contract both of these important jobs and they are currently being addressed. The association needs you to know of some other financial challenges that we are in the process of addressing or will need to be addressed. Our children’s playground is at a point where it needs to have rust and rot addressed followed by fresh paint, our signs at the entry park are rotting away and need replacing along with some of the Ohia posts in our Pavilion. Our bathroom at the Pavilion had to be shut down due to having a cesspool rather than septic system. Hawaii regulations under the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 USC 300j-4) are no longer allowing large capacity cesspools. We are facing the big decision of leaving the bathroom closed or putting in a septic system for the future of our park. The cost would be at least $15,000. With these costs and our ever increasing monthly cost of maintaining our parks you can see the challenge we all face.
The community is grateful to all the people that see the importance of staying current with their dues so we can address these challenges but we know that there are other landowners who for whatever reason are not current with their dues. We are reaching out to all of you to do what you can to get current on your dues in arrears. We feel strongly that all of this community wants it to be the best it can be, but to do this we all have to pull together and do our part.
Please contact the Board per email at to find out what you owe. Please send what you can to help.
KSECA Board of Directors